Host your own infrastructure, get a hosted private infrastructure or use our backbone for specific services.
Not be affected by global service outtages
Get the functionality you need instead of fixed one
Use a cheaper solution instead of expensive clout solutions
Logical Unified Networks
your private infrastructure
Our Mission
We define our portfolio as Backbone Provider for customized business needs. From Consulting to technical development and implementation, you can order our services for every step.
Our Case
Beside the common use of global infrastructure that is a big security impact for everyone that uses them, like for common cloud services , there can be a specialized business need.
Depending on your business size we offer a various range of services that we are already host by ourself or we can provide a hosting within a private network environment.
When you ask about their specification, be sure we will work them out based on your requirement.
We build up private networks with your specification to host your own backbone, beginning with network environment, ends up with detonating in the MPLS Backbone with other provider.
Otherwise you can also use our Backbone, depending on your need.
There are many of global cloud, network and backbone solutions out, used by mostly everyone.
That’s the point we came in, we provide the private Backbone or we develop your private Backbone for you.
Beside the secure connection and use of global blockchains, their a wide range of possibilities to
Host your own company wide Blockchain
Artifical Inteligence is more and more coming to the mass adoption. Mostly there is no real AI behind the technics that are called as, but for sure we work on hosting solutions for your private AI.
Dienstleistungen ind er Automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik
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Firma Gernot Groeschel
Alaudagasse 7/24/9
1100 Wien
Phone: +43 720 601 326
Mail: office(a.t.)lun.at
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